Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Services

Chillax Engineering offers a comprehensive range of refrigeration and air condition services for industry and commercial businesses across the UK.

Air Conditioning

Chillax Engineering has many years of experience in systems design, installation, servicing, maintenance and repairs.

Air Conditioning Inspections

Chillax is an accredited with BRE as a professional and competent air conditioning inspections company.

Commercial Refrigeration

Refrigeration services expertise including process cooling and "free" cooling systems.

HVAC Building Services Consultancy

Our core team and network of engineers can offer full technical advice for all building services applications

Computer Room/Data Centre Air Conditioning

We specialise in the critical space industry, supporting major equipment manufacturers in the installation and commissioning of close control computer room applications.

Project Management & Consultancy

Chillax Engineering offers solid, professional project management expertise and consultancy on commercial refrigeration and air conditioning projects around the UK.

Specialised Commissioning

Need specialised commissioning know-how and experience? Chillax Engineering can help.

© 2021, Chillax Engineering Ltd


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